7.753 Billion

“No one needs the things that I do. No one needs my music. No one needs or wants my skills and my talents. No one will pay me for what I have to offer the world.”

— My brain sometimes

As of 2020 there were approximately 7.753 billion people planet earth.

That’s a lot of people.

It takes 1000 true fans to earn a living doing that thing that you do. Whatever that thing is.

7 billion, 753 million people on the planet. 1000 is such a small percent of 7.753 billion that the answer is formatted in some crazy way that uses letters: 1.28982E-5%. I have no idea what 1.28982E-5% means, but it’s super small number.

That thing that you do is exactly the thing that at least 1000 people on this planet looking for. They’re waiting for your talent and your creativity. They’re hungry for it.

Fortunately we live in a time in history where it’s possible to reach those 1000 people. The planet is interconnected in a way that’s never existed before. You can communicate instantly with a person on the other side of the world just as easily as you can connect with the person next door. In fact, it might even be easier.

My 1000 true fans are out there. I just have to do the work to find them.