
“All this has happened before, and all of it will happen again

Battlestar Galactica quote aside, I was very close to just copying and pasting the old ‘About 52 Things’ information into this new section.

You deserve better.

I’ll be honest, this version of ‘My 52 Things’ is a work in progress.  I don’t fully know yet what it’s going to be.  I know that I want to push my boundaries.  I know that I want to engage more and put more ‘things’ into the world.  I know that  I want to push past any fears that are holding me back from being the best me that I can be.

I’m still figuring out what I’m going to make and what things I’m going to put here.  We’ll just have to see.  I suspect that it’s mostly going to include a bunch of the projects/ideas/concepts that don’t fit neatly into the realm of ‘trombone things‘.

I have a couple of Instagram accounts you might like to follow:  @my52things & @sleepeatbemerry

If you’d like to see how I’m currently spending my time, click here.  You also might like to check out some of the things that I want to do out in the real world.