Acting As If

I want my life to be amazing. I want to wake up every day and jump out of bed with enthusiasm. I want to be so excited about my life that I can’t wait to get my day started.

I want all of those things, but as I type these words I don’t currently have a grand plan for my life. I feel most days as though I’m wandering in the dark, trying to figure out my next move. It’s been challenging to find the focus and the energy to do anything productive. There is a disconnect between the place that I want my life to be and the place that my life is at the moment.

Having said all of that, I’m going to try something different.

Every day when I wake up, I’m going to act as if I’m thrilled to be starting my day. I’m going to act as if I have a grand purpose and a plan for achieving that purpose. I’m going to act as if I know what I’m doing.

It occurred to me this morning when I woke up, that objectively speaking I have a great deal to be grateful for. It occurred to me that maybe it isn’t so hard to ‘act as if’ things are better than they are because all in all things aren’t bad.

I have a roof over my head. I’m currently bringing in enough money to pay for my living expenses. I have people in my life who care about me. I have the tools at my disposal to make music and to make whatever art that I want to make.

I’ve decided to pretend that I know what I’m doing. I’ve decided to be enthusiastic about this place that I am in my life. I’ve decided to use the power of optimism to help me start my day.

This isn’t really a choice. It’s a necessary part of my development if I want to move forward.