Author: Thomas

I Chose This

There are certain paths that you can take that will lead to predictable outcomes. If you want to become a Doctor of medicine there’s a path for that. If you want to become a lawyer there’s a path for that. If you want to be a professional orchestral musician there is a path that you can follow in order to… Read more →

You’re in a Forest

You wake up one day in the middle of a thick forest. You don’t know how you got here, but you’re here nonetheless. Somewhere deep down you know that there must be a way through this forest. You know deep down that the trees can’t go on forever. You know deep down that you’ve been tasked with making a path… Read more →

It Gets Better / You’re Still Here

While waiting for some takeout tonight I decided to add a bit of ‘bonus’ cardio to my day. While powerwalking laps up and down the local hill in my neighborhood I came across these: It’s nice to have these little ‘messages from the Universe’ show up in my mental inbox when I need them most. Read more →

Project Fitness (vol. 3)

If at first you don’t succeed, try again. And again. And again. Over and over and over. The number of ‘fails’ doesn’t matter. Every fail is one more chance to learn something new, or remember something that you’d forgotten. Apparently last October I recommitted to working on my fitness. I say ‘apparently’ because it seems that I’d forgotten that I… Read more →

News Fast (vol. 2)

I’ve been here before. The news has become too much to process the last few weeks, and I need to hit ‘reset’ on my brain. My news fast officially starts tomorrow, as today I’ve already taken in some of the tragedy and the heartache that is the 24 news cycle. This is a simple little post to remind myself of… Read more →

The Hardest Thing

in·er·tianoun: inertia 1. a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged.“the problem runs deeper than bureaucratic inertia” Similar:inactivity / inaction / inactiveness / inertness / dormancy / passivity / apathy / accidie / malaise / stagnation / dullness / enervation / sluggishness / lethargy / languor / languidness / listlessness / torpor / torpidity / idleness / indolence /… Read more →