Can You Still Make Art?

The world is crashing down around you. Things are looking bleak. You’re surrounded by stress and strife and worry. You have burdens to carry. The load is heavy right now.

Can you still make art?

I want to believe that the answer is ‘yes’.

Maybe you have to lower the bar. Give yourself the greatest chance to succeed. Keep the creativity flowing, even if it’s just a trickle.

Your life will never be perfect. Your life will never be completely smooth sailing. Yes it’s challenging as hell right now. Maybe it’s more challenging than its ever been. Maybe your back is up against the wall and you don’t know how you’re going to get through.

Are you committed to making things? Are you committed to this process? If the answer is ‘yes’, then make something even if that something is small. One small melody. One small amount of time spent with your hands on the instrument. One small act of creation. One small something.

I’m beginning to believe that it will never ever be easy. Things are always going to come up that kick your ass. Things will always be challenging. There will never be any other moment than the one you are living through right now.

The world is crashing down around you. Things are looking bleak. You’re surrounded by stress and strife and worry. You have burdens to carry. The load is heavy right now.

Will you still make art?

I hope the answer is ‘yes’. We need those little sparks of your unique humanity. Now more than ever.