I Sat Down to Write

I sat down to write. I had an idea pop into my head about life being a marathon, not a sprint. I decided to Google ‘Life is a marathon, not a sprint.’ Down the rabbit hole I went.

My initial idea got lost in that rabbit hole. Maybe it’s there somewhere. Waiting to be rediscovered.

So much of what we experience as life online is like that. Our minds get hijacked. Our brains do what our they’re supposed to do. They notice new things. The movement of the lion in a sea of tall grass. The “insert another analogy here” because I’m afraid of getting sidetracked again by searching for another analogy. I’m also not one hundred percent sure that ‘analogy’ is the right word. What was I talking about again?

Our online life bleeds into our real life. We find it hard to concentrate. Jumping from one thing to another and getting nothing meaningful done.

I don’t have an answer yet. I’m just stating the facts. Establishing a baseline. Something to move forward from.