It’s Not Worth It

It’s not worth it.

That thing that you’re considering doing instead of going to bed and getting a good nights sleep? It’s not worth it.

You know what ‘it’ is. There’s no need to spell it out. It’s different for everyone, but everyone has something they do that they know they shouldn’t.

It’s not worth the pain that you’ll feel in the morning when you feel like crap. You know that. You’ve been here hundreds of times before.

That thing you want to do feels good. You wouldn’t be doing it if there wasn’t some utility in the action. That thing you do changes your state for a while, and maybe that wouldn’t be a bad thing if you were doing it at any other time of the day.

Right now is the time for sleep. Right now is the time to breathe deeply.

Take a breath. Take another breath. Allow yourself to feel the discomfort that’s more than likely behind that thing you do. That discomfort isn’t who you are. That discomfort isn’t you, it’s just a feeling. Feelings change. Feelings shift. Feelings move along to other feelings.

Breathe deeply, then go the f–k to sleep.