The dictionary lists thirty one synonyms for ‘inertia’ and only two antonyms:
noun: inertia
1. a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged.“the problem runs deeper than bureaucratic inertia”
inactivity / inaction / inactiveness / inertness / dormancy / passivity / apathy / accidie / malaise / stagnation / dullness / enervation / sluggishness / lethargy / languor / languidness / listlessness / torpor / torpidity / idleness / indolence / laziness / sloth / slothfulness / motionlessness / immobility / lifelessness / fainéance / stasis / otiosity / hebetude
activity / energy
I want to change that.
Overcoming inertia is one of the most important things that you can learn to do. I also know from experience that it’s one of the most difficult things to do.
Overcoming inertia is a superpower. Learning to act instead of listening to the hundreds of voices inside your head that constantly say ‘Why bother?’, ‘That’s too hard.’, ‘It won’t matter.’, ‘You’ll fail.’… That’s where it’s at. That’s where the game is won or lost.
I’d like to propose a list of words that are the opposite of inertia. Words that create forward motion in your life. Words that you can call upon to drown out all of the other voices in your head that deep down you know aren’t good for you. Words that have the potential to make this day a little better than yesterday. Words that can move the dial just a bit. One percent, two percent, three percent more.
Words like…
- Start
- Do
- Act
- Paint
- Draw
- Make
- Write
- Move
- Dance
- Play
- Practice
- Compose
- Capture
- Edit
- Cook
- Clean
- Repair
- Release
- Forgive
These words have to the potential to change your life. They can help you learn one new thing, help you do one small thing that is healthier for your brain, your body, your spirit. Help you be a little more efficient. Help you strive to think a little more clearly. Help you be a little kinder to your fellow humans. Help you make the world a better place for yourself and for the ones you love.
Small changes compound over time. How we talk to ourselves matters.
This is just the beginnings of a list. I look forward to finding more and more as I work to overcome inertia in my own life and in my own career.