Here’s a link to my original post, ‘Healing My Brain Through Music’.
This week was Stravinsky, Mahler & Cage. (Oh my!)
- 3 Pieces for String Quartet – Igor Stravinsky
- Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (‘Songs of a Wayfarer’) – Gustav Mahler / I loved these! Thrilling. Beautiful. Moving. Made me want to learn German so I could follow the lyrics without having to have them translated. Fun fact: Gustav’s mother Marie had 14 children. Fourteen. That’s a lot of children.
- Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht / When my love has her wedding-day
- Ging heut’ Morgen über’s Feld / I walked across the fields this morning
- Ich hab’ ein glühend Messer / I’ve a gleaming knife
- Die zwei blauen Augen von meinem Schatz / The two blue eyes of my love
- In a Landscape – John Cage / This was an earlier work by Cage, written in 1948 and premiered that same year in Black Mountain, NC. It can also be performed on harp.
- Four2 & Four6 – John Cage / These are two of the ‘number pieces‘ that John Cage wrote later in his life. ‘Four2‘ is pretty straightforward, but I’m not going to lie to you ‘Four6‘ is trippy. This was a choral version of the piece, but it’s written to be performed with any instrumentation.
- Rückert-Lieder – Gustav Mahler / This series of five lieder are based on poems written by Friedrich Rückert.
- Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder! / Do not look into my songs!
- Ich atmet’ einen linden Duft / I breathed a gentle fragrance!
- Liebst du um Schönheit / If you love for beauty
- Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen / I am lost to the world
- Um Mitternacht / At midnight