What If?

What if?

  • What if you made vibrant health your number one value above all others? What if you made waking up feeling amazing every morning your top priority for the day?

How would you act? What foods would you put into your body? What time would you go to bed? How would you exercise and move your body throughout the day?

How would your life change for the better if you made this small shift in thinking? What could you accomplish with the added energy that would come from it? How many quality minutes and hours and days would you be adding to your life? How much misery and potential decay could you avoid?

What if?

  • What if you looked at these current challenges as a gift?
  • What if you changed you perspective?
  • What if you changed your mind?
  • What if you looked for the good in this current situation?
  • What if you saw this as an opportunity?

What if?

  • What if you did everything differently?
  • What if you did one thing differently today?
  • What if you changed things up completely?
  • What if you keep the things that work, and throw out all the things that don’t?
  • What if you commit to cutting just one thing out of your life that doesn’t work?

What if you used small moments throughout the day to practice doing the little things that lead to a better life?

What if?